Installing CCV

You're lucky. If you're on a 64 bit system, you no longer have to compile it yourself! So, obviously, I'm no going to tell you how, plus there are a ton of tutorials online.

I'm assuming you're running Ubuntu x64 10.10. At least, that's what I'm going to use. I'll do some tutorials in the future on how do do everything in windows too.

First step is to open up synaptic package manager and install libglut. It should be the only result if you search for that in synaptic.

Everything else is pretty straight forward. Download CCV from HERE. Extract the folder inside to wherever you want. I set up a nice file system for everything I'll be using for the touch screen. I started with a folder named Touch in: /home/USER/Documents/

Now just enter the folder, in terminal, you just extracted. Then enter scripts/ubuntu/. Type "sh"

DONE! Now it's time to start the program. You can start it in terminal or just straight from nautilus, your choice. Just double click the file named in Community_Core_Vision, and run it in the terminal.

Now, just play with the settings until you get some amazing looking blobs. After you finish, there is a button on the side to save settings. You can calibrate now, if you only have one screen, otherwise, follow the instructions below.

In a terminal you have to type "sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf". Change the "Xinerma" value to 1, save, and logout. After you log back in, things will look funny, but don't mess with it, it'll go back to normal after we calibrate. Start CCV using the steps above, and calibrate. Then, just repeat the first step but set "Xinerma" back to 0, save, and logout. Viola! CCV is now calibrated.

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